Insides/Outsiders Festival Rüdiger Görner – In the Future of Yesterday 26 February | 18:00
Rüdiger Görner, Professor Emeritus of German with Comparative Literature at Queen Mary University of London, will be in conversation with writer and critic David Herman about his latest book, In the Future of Yesterday: A Life of Stefan Zweig.
In the Future of Yesterday offers a refreshing approach to the life and work of Austrian-born writer Stefan Zweig, delving into his considerable contribution to world literature, rooted in the Austro-Jewish tradition. A world traveller from the outset, Zweig liked to uproot himself – but whether he stayed in London, New York, or eventually Brazil, his literary baggage continued to contain the flavour and flair of fin de siècle Vienna.
Looking anew at Zweig’s influential time in England and offering fresh insights into his final years in the United States and Brazil, Görner discusses Zweig’s prolific literary output in relation to his life and subjects his political views on Europe, Zionism, and the world order to deep scrutiny.
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