A thirty-two volume series, The Makers of the Modern World, is a monumental look at the signatories of the Versailles treaty.

What makes this series an important contribution to the historical literature are the distinguished roster of contributors, the careful attention devoted to persons and events not only in Europe and America but also in the non-Western world, and the illuminating demonstration of how this critical turning point in modern world history shaped the rest of twentieth century and beyond.
William R. Keylor, Professor of History and International Relations, Boston University

As this series shows, there are always more and interesting things to be said on the perennially fascinating question of the Paris Peace Conference. Sadly, too, there is much that is still relevant for our own troubled world.
Margaret Macmillan Warden, St Anthony’s College, Oxford University, and author of Peacemakers

Series edited by Alan Sharp | View the complete series here.